Gateway to the Texas Renaissance Festival

Ensuring a Sustainable Water Future for Todd Mission

May 30, 2024

Ensuring a Sustainable Water Future for Todd Mission

The City of Todd Mission is committed to securing safe, abundant, and sustainable water sources for our community. This Saturday, May 18, the Mill Creek Water Supply Corporation (Mill Creek WSC) will conduct a crucial vote among its members regarding our city’s proposal to acquire the rights and responsibilities to serve water to our residents.

Since there was not a director’s quorum at the 5/18/24, water meeting, we now are surveying Todd Mission Mill Creek Water Supply Corp. members as to how they wish to proceed with the Todd Mission offer to acquire those lines & memberships within the city limits. Please return your survey vote before MONDAY, JUNE 10TH TO THE MILL CREEK HOA OFFICE MAIL BOX; ONLINE; SCANNING & EMAILING THE FORM TO: MILLCREEKESTWTR2010@YAHOO.COM; OR BY MAIL TO: MCWS, 11036 OAK FOREST DR., PLANTERSVILLE, TX 77363.

Approval of this acquisition would allow us to implement a comprehensive plan designed to enhance water service within the city limits. Thanks to nearly $2 million in grant funding, we are prepared to construct a new water treatment facility and integrate it with the existing supply network. This initiative includes upgrading and expanding supply lines, installing fire hydrants, and improving drainage systems to prevent roadway ponding—ensuring more reliable water access and increased safety for Todd Mission residents.

Additionally, this transition would alleviate the current demand on Mill Creek WSC’s resources, supporting their capacity to serve outlying areas without the need for rate increases. This strategic enhancement supports the city’s growth and development, benefiting all members of the Mill Creek community.

For more information, please contact:

Neal Wendele

City Administrator




Revised Notice      

May 18th, 2024, Following 12pm HOA meeting

 In accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, Section 31, notice is hereby given to the public that the MILL CREEK WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION shall hold a Special Membership meeting following the 12pm HOA meeting on the 18th of May 2024, at 11036 Oak Forest Dr, Plantersville, Texas, 77363. The Board may take action on any of the items posted below.  Action cannot be taken on individual citizen or customer communications or Board member items unless the matter was continued from a previous meeting or is individually listed below.  The Corporation provides unrestricted access for the disabled.

The Board of Directors may go into executive session pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act, codified as Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Sections 551.071 551.072, 551.074 and/or 551.076 at any time during the meeting.


  1. Item 1.  Open Meeting, Establish Quorum
  2. Item 2.  Consideration of Todd Mission’s offer to purchase part of Mill Creek Water Supply Corporation’s public drinking water system facilities located within the boundaries of Todd Mission, TX, and possible partial acquisition of CCN service area rights.
  3. Item 3. Exploration of potential membership in TRWA (Texas Rural Water Association).
  4. Item 4. Exploration of expanding the board by at least 2 separate positions which would include amending the current by-laws to include but not be limited to secretary, a community liaison between the board, MCWS membership and Mill Creek HOA; and board member-at-large.
  5. Item 5. Special Meeting of Directors, if needed.
  6. Item 6. Misc. items, if any.

Last modified: May 30, 2024

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