Road Repair Status
- Cold Patch temporary repairs made to Inwood Drive and Renfaire Drive by Mayor’s (Blue hatch)
- Concrete low water crossing replacement complete at Wally Lane. New low water crossing on Greenway framed, will pour this (Red)
- Right-of-way clearing going on now at Largent/ Creekbend/ (Yellow)
- Iron ore base material will be laid 9/10 on Largent/ Creekbend/ Yellow)
- Renfaire drive segments marked, will be cut out and replaced at the same time as CDBG County doing work before TRF begins.
- Awaiting estimates for asphalt work on Inwood and Greenway, will be on next
- Sutton, Wildwood, Woodway to be repaired in 21-22 CDBG
Last modified: September 9, 2021